Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This year has started with turmoil.I have been immersed in holding some of my friends as they face new beginnings and challenges that are sometimes just so,so hard.Perhaps it is our age group,a time when things are shaken up so that we might change and learn and grow.

The end of the forties ,the start of the fifties .

We have those 'power surges' ,those 'fuzzy moments' and the 'very very early morning wake up and cannot sleep again 'moments.

Some of them are having to begin again, alone .Some of them are trying again ,together.But through the tears and the rants and the confusion our girlfriends are there. We listen,we hold each other.We make meals and help with carting their teenagers about. We cry together and then call the 'soon to be ex' terrible names and then laugh 'til we cry again. We stay on their side and beside them.We are the sisterhood.


  1. I hear you. I sometimes think there's a change cloud hanging. You're in SA and I have a friend in England who writes practically the same and I could say the same here in Virginia as a friend needs help...and so it goes with friends in other states who have friends who need help. But, yes, we're the sisterhood, Soul Sisters, who're always there. And this is as it should be and warms the heart. Hugs!

  2. I've thought about you and hope that your friend is doing well. Hugs!
